The Catholic Letter

In The News

Bishops Continue To Fight For Freedom Of Conscience

Bishops Not Duped By Obama Misleading Changes

In answer to the outcry from Christians in America, the administration announced that it would change the mandate concerning contraceptives and abortificient chemicals.  That is, they would not force employers to provide them to employees.

The Letter From Bishops To Parishoners

Catholic Bishops 'Step To Bat' Against Obama-Care And Conscience Violations

Several weeks ago, many of the bishops throughout the United States sent a letter to their parishoners regarding the new laws concerning contraception becoming a mandatory benefit.  Here is a copy of the letter, which was sent to the Cincinnati Archdiosese from Archbishop Dennis M. Schnurr (cut and pasted from the The Catholic Telegraph).

Catholic Marriage Website

As reported by the Catholic News Agency, the U.S. Catholic Bishops have recently launched a website designed to help in a health marriage 'for people of all faiths'.  This, in its core, is a good idea I guess; but why do the Catholic Bishops feel they should address peoples of all faiths when it comes to marriage advice? The advice given to a Catholic should be given to everyone, but generally only Catholics would understand.  General advice that could be followed by people of other faith or no faith at all will be incomplete and could be down right wrong for Catholics. 

Did The Pope Say It's Okay To Use Condoms?

Media Reports That Pope Okays Condom Use

Could Someone Have Made A Mistake?

Every now and then, some wise-cracker pulls a few sentences out of a statement from a Church official (such as the Pope) and publishes them WAY out of context.  Such, I'm glad to say, is the case here.

Listen to the Earth

In this story, reported by Reuters, our Holy Father is quoted several times urging us to pay attention to our environment and heed its so called, warnings.  He even offers a certain amount of merit to the 'Theory Of Evolution' and the science behind it.

Some may consider this as Pope Benedict bending to modern, ideological pressures but...