The Steps To Breaking Pornography Addiction
The Steps To Breaking Pornography Addiction
Step 6 – Join a Group
You need help. In addition to help from a therapist, you need encouragement (and accountability) from other men. Preferably from other men who understand your problem and have learned to deal with it themselves.
Step 4 – Purify Your Home
If you've become a slave to pornography, then you must understand that having anything tempting in your house is going to plunge you back into this sin. Perhaps, at one time, you could watch an R rated movie that contained a nude scene and not been tempted. But because of your addiction, you can't anymore.
Step 5 – Seek Counseling
Pornography and masturbation, if they've become a habit, have created psychological problems in your mind. They've warped the way you see things and the way you do things. You cannot simply flick a switch and change yourself back to how you were before they got to you.
Step 3 – Change Your Habits And Routines
If you've developed an pornography addiction, then you'll need to change your habits and routines in order to break it. But it goes beyond (way beyond) getting away from sexually explicit material.
Step 2 – Confess Your Problem
Viewing pornography and masturbation are both mortal sins. Under normal circumstances, you cannot be forgiven unless you go to confession. That's plain and simple Catholic Teaching.