The Catholic Letter

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A Commentary on Catholic Catechism Articles

Paragraph 36

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On God's Reasons 

"Our holy mother, the Church, holds and teaches that God, the first principle and last end of all things, can be known with certainty from the created world by the natural light of human reason." Without this capacity, man would not be able to welcome God's revelation. Man has this capacity because he is created "in the image of God"

Ah...this is the big one.  The one that becomes less and less popular as we enter into the age of scientific obscurity.  We can reason that God exists because we are created in His image.

On the flip side, this tells us that GOD IS REASONABLE.

How many times have we gone through an argument with someone who thought his atheistic views were superior because he based them on 'reason', where as we base ours on faith.  We go back to Article 35 and see that reason is not needed for faith.  But to say that reason is not a part of our understanding of God is ignorant denial.

But what can we do?  Reason people into believing in God?  It hasn't worked any time I've ever tried it, and it's probably never going to work for anyone else.

Belief is something that has to overcome much more than ignorance or stupidity.  The reasonable approach is to pray. 

But aside from this point, we can look at the article and see something about God Himself that we often ignore.  That God is reasonable seems impossible sometimes.

When was the last time you've looked at your own problems in life, and tried to find God's reasons but couldn't.  How many times have you looked up and questioned him?  I did...and I know I'm not alone.  Job did it in the old testament.

And what was God's response?

"Where wast thou when I laid the foundations of the earth?  Tell me if thou hast understanding."'s a good reminder that our tiny portion of logic is just a drop in the sea.  We were made in His image, so He allows us to see some of his ways.  But sometimes we have to rely on His reason.  Even when all looks bleak.