Pornography Addiction and How It's Damaging Catholic Society
Porn Addiction Support Groups
How Do You Find Support Groups For Pornography Addiction?
That's a tough one. It's not like alcoholism, which has been around for centuries and has many organizations dedicated to fighting it. You can literally find an AA group anywhere in the country. It's much harder to find a SA group.
Most people can find a Celebrate Recovery group in their area. This doesn't focus on sexual addictions, but you'll find that many of the men attending CR groups happen to be there because of sexual and pornography addictions.As of now, there really aren't any Catholic organizations or nationwide groups that are dedicated to helping men with pornography addiction. And many pastors wouldn't even think of starting a support group in their parish. Some of them don't think their parishoners would attend. Some of them would be too embarrased if their parishoners did attend. Some of them just don't want the headache of setting up yet another parish function... even if it's just a prayer group.
If you're interested in starting a support group, you could always ask your pastor about it. It doesn't necessarily have to be advertised. Your pastor (as a confessor) would know the men who need help, and could simply mention the group in the confessional--directing them to either contact someone about times or actually telling them when and where to meet.
A support group should probably have some sort of format. Something that begins with prayer and worship, follows with some sort of teaching, and then breaks into discussion. The prayer and worship part could simple be the Liturgy of the Word... following the readings from the liturgical calendar. Actually, for a Catholic group, that's what it should be. Afterall, the work is already done--why not use what's there. The teaching, if possible, should be done by a priest or deacon. If none are available, a book to read section by section would be good. The discussion could follow the book or teaching, or it could be about that day's readings and how they apply to pornography addiction.
I myself prefer the Liturgy of the Word from the old Latin Rite. I've posted it here if you want to download and use it. Just click here. Soon, I will try to make the Proper (the readings, Introit, etc.,) available also. But really, you can just use the Sunday readings (if you only meet once a week) or follow the normal English liturgical calendar.
But if you don't have the time or inclination to start a group in your parish, and there isn't one available, you can try finding a support group in your area that isn't Catholic. I've listed all that I can find below:
Celebrate Recovery - This one is probably the one I'd recommend most. It deals with all sorts of addictions and compulsions, and is Christ centered.
Sexaholics Anonymous - Dealing with all types of sexual addictions.
S-Anon International Family Groups - A support group for families dealing with a member who has sexual addiction.
Courage - A support group for those struggling with SSA (Same Sex Attraction)
The King's Men - A group of men fighting pornography. There aren't many support groups throughout the US, but these things only start growing when men like YOU take an active role--you can easily start a group in your area.
Sexual Compulsives Anonymous - Dealing with sexual compulsive tendencies.
Sexual Recovery Anonymous - Another sexual addiction and compulsiveness recovery center.
Sex Addicts Annonymous - Much like sexaholics anonymous.