The Catholic Letter

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Get Our New Novel About Saint Francis of Assisi

The Side of Saint Francis You’ve Never Seen Before

The Soldier – The Prisoner – The Beggar – The Saint

Saint Francis of Assisi led one of the most interesting lives of all the saints throughout Catholic history.  In our recent poll, Catholics chose him as their favorite saint.  And yet, his life is as much a mystery to us today as it was hundreds of years ago.

Not any more! 


Take a journey with one of God’s holiest of creatures—the man who shook the foundations of a corrupt church.  Who took a lead role in reforming the Body of Christ. Even when they would not dignify him with a priestly title.  

Saint Francis of Assisi started as a rich merchant, enlisted as a soldier, was captured and imprisoned, found freedom, and went home.  This alone is enough for an amazing adventure story.  But this was only the beginning.  From there, he became a beggar and eventually a saint.

His life is full of chaos and contradiction.  But once the contrary escapades are put together, we see the mosaic picture of complete devotion to God’s will.  

Get your copy of the amazing historical novel now, Francis – The Beggar , and get a glimpse of the man behind the saint.

See him in hard-core action scenes while he battles his enemy.  Walk with him through a deep transformation as he contemplates God while suffering in prison.  Chase him in a daring prison escape that almost takes his life.  And live with him as he slowly sheds the life of a rich merchant and embraces a life of poverty and holiness.

Francis - The Beggar brings the early life of Saint Francis to you in the form of a historical novel... but not like any you've ever read before.  We don't just take you back in the past, we bring the past to you and lay it on your doorstep. 

Enjoy an easy to understand, modern dialect that will help you see just how much the 'saints of old' faced all the same problems we face today.  In this, you'll see that there's only one way to answer all of the problems you struggle with in your daily life--to put your trust in God and follow His word as well as you can.

Order your copy of Francis - The Beggar  today, and discover how to unlock your inner-sainthood.

Click here to get your copy.