The Catholic Letter

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Pornography Addiction and How It's Damaging Catholic Society

Breaking Porn

The Steps To Breaking The Pornography Addiction

We can sit and talk all day about how bad pornography is, about how many men it's ensnared, about the way it's ruined the lives of so many young women, about the families it has destroyed, etc., etc.,.  But really--how does that help.  The real problem, right now, is that so many men WANT to quit looking at it and can't.


Of course, not all men want to quit--not right now anyway.  What was it that St. Augustine said?  "Lord, give me chastity... but not yet." Some men are kind of in denial.  They want to pretend that they're just going through a phase.  That they'll move on to something else eventually.  Others convince themselves that the problem is with other people... for example, their wives.  And still others enjoy their sins and are unlikely to ever turn from them.

But there are thousands (perhaps millions) of men out there who desperately want to stop looking at pornography and can't.  Good, Catholic men who are completely trapped in their own desires.  Pornography can be every bit as addictive as alcohol, gambling, drugs, etc., and the men who are enslaved by it feel completely hopeless.

But it is possible to find freedom from pornography addiction.  It is possible to find the light again, and leave the darkness forever.

Click Here for the summarized step-by-step guide to breaking the pornography habit.